Rainfall Predictor

Designed and developed supervised Machine Learning models for predicting rainfall at a particular location. The project was carried out by 2 awesome teammates and myself, in hopes of getting a good grade on Prof. Sameer Singh‘s course of Machine Learning.

The data

Courtesy of the UC Irvine Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing, our data consisted of satellite-based measurements of temperature at particular locations across the globe (infrared imaging) and information about clouds (such as area and average temperature). Each data point corresponded to a location on the globe (identified by its latitude, longitude and elevation) and was labeled with CHRS’s belief of whether that particular location will admit rain.


We tried the following models:

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Random Forests
  • Support Vector Machines

Random Forests turned out to be the model scoring highest in validation AUC, with scores above 0.79. We used hold-out validation with a training fraction of 80% of the data.

Experiments were carried out using scikit-learn's implementations of Random Forests (both RandomForestRegressor and ExtraTreesRegressor) and we experimented different configurations of the following parameters (see code at the end):

  • max_depth. The maximum depth on all the decision trees. If None, the depth is unrestricted
  • min_samples_split. The minimum number of samples to split a node (e.g. minParent)
  • min_samples_leaf. The minimum number of samples to form a leaf
  • max_features. The maximum size of the subsample of features considered in splitting
  • n_estimators. The number of decision trees generated
  • bootstrap. Either True or False. In scikit-learn, the subsample of the data (drawn with or without replacement) will always have the size as the data itself

Random Forest Results

In the end, an unlimited max_depth together with small sizes of feature subsampling (max_features=2) and a large number of decision trees (n_estimators=300) turned out to be a very good configuration of params. The remaining parameters revealed little influence in validation AUC. See below for a plot of training and validation AUC’s varying max_features and n_estimators, with and without bootstrap.

RandomForestRegressor with bootstrap, min_samples_split=min_samples_leaf=5 and max_depth=None.
RandomForestRegressor without bootstrap, min_samples_split=min_samples_leaf=5 and max_depth=None.

The following plots are similar to the ones above, but using ExtraTreesRegressor instead, where in addition to using a random subset of splitting candidate features, it samples a random subsubset from this subset when evaluating the most discriminating splitting feature.

RandomForestRegressor with bootstrap, min_samples_split=min_samples_leaf=5 and max_depth=None.
RandomForestRegressor without bootstrap, min_samples_split=min_samples_leaf=5 and max_depth=None.

Random Forests code

# Consistent behavior

def loadData(filename):
  """ Load data from binary cache if possible for efficiency. """
  f = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.npy'
  if os.path.isfile(f):
    D = np.load(f)   # faster than genfromtxt
    D = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter = None)
    np.save(f, D)
  return D

def gen_params(**params_ranges):
  params_ranges = {k: [(k, v) for v in params_ranges[k]] for k in params_ranges}
  return map(dict, itertools.product(*params_ranges.values()))

if __name__ == '__main__':
  timestamp = str(int(time.time()))

  # Prepare output folder for results
  date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')

  # Data Loading
  X = loadData('data/X_train.txt')
  Y = loadData('data/Y_train.txt')
  X, Y = ml.shuffleData(X,Y)
  m, n = X.shape

  Xtr, Xva, Ytr, Yva = ml.splitData(X, Y)
  Xt, Yt = Xtr, Ytr

  max_depth = [None]
  min_samples_split = [10]
  min_samples_leaf = [10]
  max_features = [2]
  n_estimators = [100]
  bootstrap = [True]
  type = ['RF']

  params_ranges = {p: eval(p) for p in ['max_depth',

  results = []
  for params in gen_params(**params_ranges):
    t = params.pop('type')
    if t == 'RF':
      RF = RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs = -1, random_state = 0, **params)
      RF = ExtraTreesRegressor(n_jobs = -1, random_state = 0, **params)
    RF.fit(Xt, Yt)

    params['AUCt'] = roc_auc_score(Yt, RF.predict(Xt))
    params['AUCv'] = roc_auc_score(Yva, RF.predict(Xva))
    params['type'] = t
    if saveResults:
      with open('experiments/' + timestamp + '.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(results, f, indent = 2)
